Channel: H1GGSY
Category: Gaming
Tags: fortnite controller to keyboardfortnite console to pcfortnite fncs finalsfortnite battle royalesolo fncscontroller to keyboard fortnitecontroller to kbmcontroller to kbm progressionfortnite fncs soloskbm progression fortnitefortnite progression kbmfortnite competitivecontroller to pc progressionfortnite kbm progressionfortnite progression console to pccontroller to kbm fortnitekbm progressionfortnite fncsfortnitefortnite progression pc
Description: I Played SOLO FNCS on Keyboard & Mouse and This is What Happened... (Fortnite Battle Royale) Instagram - Twitch: So in today's video I played Solo FNCS. This was the first week and have a ton of time to improve before the events fully stop. I am using this as a marker for my Controller to Keyboard & Mouse progression and it's now time to grind. Thanks for all the support! ► Follow me on Twitter: ✅ ► Join my discord and join the community: 🎤 #ControllerToKBM #FortniteBattleRoyale #FNCS