Channel: Untied Hawaii
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: yeezytrendingadidasuntied hawaiistreetwearunited hawaiimetaverseopening the mnlthnike nftjordanmystery boxnike dunk genesisnft nikeshoesneakerdigitalnewrtfkt virtual sneakersmens fashionsneakersnikenike rtfktnft mystery boxshoesrtfkt mnlthlifestylenike nftsrtfkt nftsneaker mystery boxrtfktvirtual sneakersmetahypebeast mystery boxstylemnlth nftnftbeater boxfashion
Description: In this video, I unbox the Nike x RTFKT NFT mystery box, otherwise known as the MNLTH. I bought 2 of these boxes for $13,000 and $15,000 respectively and can't believe what it turned into. Was this a mistake or one of the best investments I've ever made? -------------------------------- 🎙 My New Podcast ► 👟 My Webstore ► 💰 Use This App To Make Money ► (HIGHLY RECOMMEND) -------------------------------- FTC: This is not sponsored. Some of the above links are affiliate links, meaning I earn a small percentage of sales made through those links, but it doesn’t cost you anything extra.