Channel: Serenity17
Category: Gaming
Tags: rainbow six siegerainbow 6 siegerainbow six siege blood orchidpro leaguetacticrainbow six siege gameplayhighlightrainbow six siege elablood orchidrainbow six gameplayrankedelamultiplayerrainbow six siege diamond gameplaysixrainbow six siege close callstom clancy's rainbow six siegeserenity17siegerainbow six siege yingpvptom clancy's rainbow six siege gameplayrainbowrainbow six siege lesionyingrainbow six: siegestrategylesiongameplay
Description: Highlights of some ranked games in Rainbow Six Siege Blood Orchid including an obnoxious twitch drone spot that will make your opponent rage quit ;) Make sure you only hit the bottom of their foot tho or else they will have an angle on your drone. I can't wait to make some new content with the blood orchid operators. Pretty excited to finally have some new content. Enjoy! People in the video 809 777 Subs