Channel: Dani
Category: Entertainment
Tags: how tobrackeysgamemaking a game in 48 hourscomputer programmingi made a game in 1 week with unityblackthronprodmaking a game in a weekmade a game in 48 hoursgame developmentunityunity game devmaking a game in 10 minutescomputer sciencedanimaking a game in 10 minutes!!software engineeringtutorialmaking of soul surge - ludum dare 44game jamprogrammingdevelop gamesunity3dgamedevindie gamedevjabrilshow to make a game
Description: Making a Game in 48 Hours for Ludum Dare 44! UPDATE: I made a game in only 12 HOURS : DOWNLOAD AND RATE MY GAME: ➤Discord - ➤Facebook - ➤Twitter - ➤Music Evan King - Track 1-9 Neo Nomen Track 10 Track list: Evan King - 20XX Evan King - Yikes Evan King - Dingos Evan King - MDK Jelly Castle (Evan King Retro Remix) Evan King - Yikes Evan King - Titan Striker Evan King - Scuba Evan King - Ballistics Evan King - Cafe Neo Nomen - Silverlights Evan king: Buy his songs at: Or grab them for free at: Neo Nomen: ➤ SOURCE CODE - This is my very first game jam, Ludum Dare 44, which is where you create a game, and everything else in 48 hours! That includes code, music, art, sound effect, no sleep, loads of coffee, oof. It was a lot of fun, and I've always enjoyed watching other people's "Making a game in 48 hours" video, so I wanted to try it out myself. I hope you enjoyed it. The game I made in 2 days is called Fair n Square, and is an action shooter, with squares! The way I use the theme of Ludum Dare 44, being ""Your life is currency", is by selling weapons and upgrades at the start of the game. You have to buy them using your health. //about Hey! If you're new here, welcome! I'm an indie game developer, currently working on a physics based game using Unity. This is my devlog / devblog where I show off the progress I make on it. I'll try uploading every week, but I'm pretty busy with university and part time job, so I won't have time every week. But I'll do my best! SOFTWARE USED: Unity Game Engine Rider by Jetbrains (IDE) Photoshop for art sfxr for sound effects Fl Studio for music PC SPECS: GTX 1060 i7-3770 16GB RAM Laptop / tablet Surface Pro i5, 8GB RAM, 256GB Storage My Equipment: Keyboard - Steelseries 6Gv2 Mouse - Steelseries Rival 100 Mic - AT2020+ Screen - ViewSonic 24" LED Curved VX2458 Headset - Steelseries Arctis 3 If you enjoyed this video, here are some other really good ones I was inspired by: Jabrils - 🖥️ Making A Game in 48 Hours! Jabrils - 🖥️ GAME I MADE FOR LUDUM DARE 41! Brackeys - MAKING A GAME IN A WEEK! Brackeys - MAKING A GAME IN 10 MINUTES Brackeys - Making of SOUL SURGE - Ludum Dare 44 BlackThornProd - I MADE A GAME IN 1 WEEK WITH UNITY BlackThronProd - LUDUM DARE 42 - Making of EVOLUTION Iain Anderson - 48 Hour Game Making Challenge 2012 #gamedev #Indiegame #Unity3d #LudumDare44 #gamedevelopment #unity3d #madewithunity #indiedev #unity2d