Channel: Max Mears
Category: Gaming
Tags: rust best start ever#gamerust survivalrust experienceblooprintspoonkidrustrust crazy wiperust veteranfrostrust revenge storyrust jackpot lootrust online raidrust pvp highlightsrust counter raidrust gameplay 2022rust 10000 hoursrust solostevierust storyrust best wiperust solo movierichest duo#maxmears#rustwilljumrust huge lootrust duo snowballrust raidsrust snowballrust movierust duo storyrust baserust raid defense
Description: I lived in a SECRET Underground Bank Vault with the winnings from STACKED CLAN BASES. The move was hard, the area is TOXIC but the base? The base is the most MAGNIFICENT bulletproof secret vault you've ever seen. In the next video we complete as similar monstrosity more than DOUBLING our defensive abilities and leaving all who come to marvel at our home in shock! What is Rust? Rust is an INTENSE PVP multiplayer survival game that I've played for THOUSANDS of hours. I've gone on MASSIVE Solo adventures, clan wipes, HUGE raids and just about every experience under the Sun. It's a game that can have the most intense nail biting moments, or you can spend hours doing nothing interesting, The way the cookie crumbles can never be predicted and of course I save the absolute best bits for you guys. Whether it's PvP moments, epic counter raids or my clan messing with each other, everything you need to experience Rust is right here on the Max Mears channel. I hope you enjoy, peace. Thanks for watching, and as always, have fun guys! INTRO SONG - TWITCH - TWITTER - TIKTOK - PATREON - MY DISCORD - FACEBOOK - #maxmears #rust #maxmearsrust Recorded on Shadowplay, edited with Audacity and Sony Vegas Pro.