
Remove Touch Overlay


Duration: 16:18Views: 14.3KLikes: 1.1KDate Created: Feb, 2022

Channel: Tanya Bregar

Category: Gaming

Tags: 100 babiessugar daddy challengebuzzfeed quizzes control my lifegamingbuzzfeed quizzeslife simulatormafia updatepopstar updateplaying bitlifebitlife challengebitlifebecoming the president in bitlifebitlife tutorialpro sports update100 baby challengewhy i left buzzfeedbuzzfeed quizzes bitlifebusiness updatebitlife god modepolitics updatebitlife royalty updatepopstar update bitlifebitlife life simulatorbitlife buzzfeed quizzes

Description: Today I let BUZZFEED QUIZZES CONTROL MY BITLIFE AND IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! I think at one point we were all obsessed with buzzfeed and their quizzes so today I brought it back with one of YOUR requests and used it to control my life! Subscribe to my SECOND channel @tanya MERCH: shoptanyabregar.com USE CODE "SAVE10" FOR 10% OFF! INSTAGRAM: instagram.com/tanyabregar TWITTER: twitter.com/tanyabregar SNAPCHAT: tanyabregar How I film + edit my videos: youtu.be/lSSPP8uyDvU JOIN THE CHANNEL DISCORD: discord.com/invite/vZRdkhD JOIN THE BREGAR BUNCH REDDIT: reddit.com/r/bregarbunch Book a personalized video on cameo or DM me for free! cameo.com/tanyabregar PO BOX ADDRESS: Tanya Bregar PO Box 31077 Drive Thru Parcel Centre Richmond Hill, ON L4C 7Z0 BUSINESS INQUIRIES: tanyabregarofficial@gmail.com

Swipe Gestures On Overlay