Channel: Hororo chan
Category: Gaming
Tags: mobile legends bugmobile legends phml hororo chan phml phmobile legendsml ph servermlbbml toxic serverhororo chanmobile legends hororo chanmobile legends experimensml ph server lagml hororo phml ph vsml ph server toxicml ph server vsmobile legends best buildmobile legends walkthroughmobile legends glitchmobile legends new heromobile legends guidesml hororo chan ph servermobile legend hororo
Description: you like it toxic? »» Join our Discord Server! »» IMPORTANT I just want everyone to be aware that there are fake accounts of me so make sure to click the links below and also check my ML IDs to make sure its my real accounts. Please do not share your email and password to anyone just to have free diamonds. Do not be scammed for free skins. I will only give skins when i make skin giveaway events here on Youtube. I will not ask for your ID and IGN (also i do not want to see it) if you are not a skin giveaway winner. »» Social Media › Facebook Page › Twitter › Instagram »» Mobile Legends IDs › Original Server: 38766030 › Advance Server: 119392892 »» FAQ Q. Screen Recorder? A. Screen Flow for iOS using Mac and built in game recorder on my Samsung Galaxy Note 8 Q. Favorite hero? A. Tanks and unpopular ones. Q. Can i play with you? A. Please look forward of me doing "Let's PLay Event" where i play with anyone, which has 10% chance of happening because lately i have been busy. Q. Are you a girl or boy? A. I am a grown up person. Thank you.