Channel: Samii Ryan
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: teeth contouringteeth whiteningcosmetic dentistsamii ryancosmetic denistryby samii ryandentistsmileladentist officeperfect smileteethcaliforniacosmeticlos angelescontouring
Description: What does that even mean though??? I seriously have been going to the dentist for so long, like many of you lol. I always honestly had genetically bad teeth, like I get mad cavities.. WHYYY. But anyway, I had a chipped tooth that my dentist fixed up for me and she whitened my teeth! I can't wait to go back in to get my fillings done.. woo! If you are in Los Angeles go check out her practice and follow her on instagram. GIRLS SUPPORT GIRLS!! RESTOCK IS UP ON MY LINE BY SAMII RYAN USE CODE "RYAN20" AT CHECKOUT FOR 20% OFF! BYSAMIIRYAN.COM ❤️ F O L L O W M E ❤️ INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: SNAPCHAT: thesamiiryan TUMBLR: ---------------------------------------------------- ❤️ B U S I N E S S I N Q U I R I E S ❤️ ---------------------------------------------------- ❤️ S H O P ❤️ CODE: “BESTIE4EVER” FOR 10% OFF