Channel: xDuttinho
Category: Gaming
Tags: 199 rated fut draft fifa 22ksigibfut draft fifa 22195 fut draft194 rated fut drafttotsbest fut draftfifa 22fifafut draftfifa 22 totshighest rated fut draft fifa 22195 rated fut draftfutcrunchfifa 22 team of the season194 fut draftbfordlancer48highest rated fut drafttots fut draft199 rated fut draftwroetoshawsv2199 fut draft fifa 22fifa 22 tots fut draft199 fut drafttots fifa 22w2steam of the seasonxduttinhofifa 22 fut draft
Description: FIFA 22 FUT Draft ft 199 Rated FUT Draft in TOTS (Team of the season) First 1,000 people to use the link or my code xduttinho get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare: 🔊 Join my Notification Squad: Click the 🔔 Bell Icon next to the Subscribe button and comment for a reply back! MUST WATCH VIDEOS BELOW... ➡️ W2S vs BRO in 190 FUT DRAFT CHALLENGE!! (FIFA 20) ➡️ 198 RATED YOUTUBER FUT DRAFT!! (ft KSI) - FIFA 20 ➡️ I BEAT W2S & ANESONGIB IN A 195 FUT DRAFT!! Socials: Twitter - @xDuttinho Tiktok - @Duttinho Instagram - xDuttinho Facebook - /xDuttinho For all business enquiries: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Title: I GOT A 199 RATED TOTS FUT DRAFT!! - FIFA 22 #TOTS #FIFA22 #FUTDraft