Channel: DAN7EH
Category: Gaming
Tags: save the worldscammer paybackfortnite stwfortnite save the worlddan7ehrarest fortnite itemsscammer gets scammedrarest itemsfortnite rarestfortnite scammerdan7eh fortniterarest weapons in stwrarest weapons in fortniterarest weaponsscammer get scammedscammerrarest items in fortnitestw rarest gunsfortniterarest guns
Description: I Found the RAREST Weapon on a FORTNITE TIKTOK! 👍Drop a LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more content! Today I was tagged on a post on tiktok showing what could be the most insane modded item in fortnite save the world so far. This fortnite tiktok claimed to have a blue rarity supercharged weapon (WHICH IS NOT POSSIBLE) so we decided to go and check it out and see if it was actually a secretly rare fortnite item or fake. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ SOCIAL MEDIA! 🎮2ND CHANNEL➔ @DAN2EH 🐦 TWITTER ➔ 📷 INSTAGRAM ➔ 🎮 TWITCH ➔ 🎮MIXER ➔ 📡FACEBOOK ➔ 📱 DISCORD ➔ 💯Support-A-Creator Code ➔ DAN7 Use code “DAN7EH” for 10% off at This Video Is UPLOADED, EDITED and RECORDED By DAN7EH (Dante) This is a video was recorded on my twitch livestream where I was was playing fortnite, or fortnite save the world. Today we don't go undercover to expose this scammer, but we actually find a random kid with a super rare weapon. Sometimes I post scammer get scammed or scammer gets scammed in fornite stw but today we found a rare fortnite item and I trolled my friend with it. This was super intense, and insanely funny and fun. The Funniest Fortnite Scammer Video Ever with New tiktok clan makes Fortnite even funnier & hilarious! It is lots of fun and laughs :) Not Fortnite Battle Royale, But fortnite stw, where lots of people like to do scammer get scammed, however I did not do this in this video. This is a video where I find a super secret rare fortnite weapon in fortnite save the world. It was FUN :D #Fortnite #D7Army #gaming #dan7eh ____________________________