Channel: NancyPi
Category: Education
Tags: nancy mathhow tonancy math tutornancy math channelmathematicsfailing a class in collegealgebranancy math youtubecalculushow to be good at mathfailed exammath testalgebra testwhen you failwhat happens if you fail a classmath nancyprecalculushomeworkfail a classtrigonometrynancymath helptrigfailedq&aexamfailfailing a classhelpwhat to domath testsalgebra 2vlognancypigeometrymath channelmathfailed a testinterviewq & a
Description: Nancy's not perfect! A lot of you have asked if she's ever failed a test. This one's for you. ♡ For the shock, skip to time 0:34! For the anger, skip to 1:49. For when you're feeling stuck, skip to 2:11. For the important thing to remember if you've just failed a test, skip to 2:58. Help make new math tutorial videos possible by supporting Nancy on Patreon: If you've failed a test, you're not alone. You're in good company, because we've all failed at things in our lives. It doesn't mean you're not capable of the math. Failing a math test does not define you or your whole math experience. Have you ever failed a test? What advice would you give to someone? Editor: Miriam Nielsen of zentouro Director: Kristopher Knight Follow Nancy on Instagram: Twitter: For math help and all new videos, subscribe to Nancy's math channel, NancyPi, or go to: