Channel: RCLifeOn
Category: Entertainment
Tags: 3d printer comparisoncreality cr-xaffordable 3d printermegareviewbest 3d printer 2018best 3d printer 2019zmorph vx3d printer reviewcomparing 3d printersjgaurora a5screality ender 3best 3d printerunder 300zortraxbest $200 3d printeri can only keep one 3d printer?!expert 3d printerbeginner 3d printertevo nereusxinkebot orca2 cygnuswhat 3d printer should i buyrclifeon
Description: In this video I compare my favourite 3D printers and give concise reviews of each one. I will include the following printers: JGAurora A5S: Ender 3: Ender 3 Pro: TEVO Nereus: ZMorph VX: Orca Cygnus 2: Zortrax: Creality CR-X: If you would like to support my channel please take a visit to my Patreon page: The JGAurora A5S is an update model which have been working very reliably the past months. It's very quiet and doesn't make a lot of noise when printing. I also like the fact that the build volume is relatively large. The Creality Ender 3 Pro is one of the printers I have used the most because of the fine printing details. It's also very cheap. The TEVO Nereus is very much like the Creality CR-10 we worked with last year. Other than a Wifi-module and touchscreen it wasn't too impressive. However, it's reasonably priced and with a large build volume.