Channel: Christina Oman - Weight Loss Coach
Category: Entertainment
Tags: keto dietprotein weight losslow carb weight losshigh proteinatkinswhat i eatketo carnivoreweight loss coachcarnivore dietcarnivore diet womenzero carbketo for women weight lossketo christina 2021keto christina 10 thingsslow weight loss ketozero carb dietketo christinaweight loss stallketoprotein dietweight lossweight loss journeyprotein priority dietray peatcarnivoretummy tuckprotein prioritylow carb dietatkins diet
Description: I am disgusting... according to this comment. I am disgusting because I decided to put my health above the number on the scale. It's not like I gained 100lbs back, far from it. But in this diet and weight obsessed culture, that is not ok. Better to be live a half life skinny, than be overweight and healthy. Do you agree? Get the 7 Step Metabolism Recovery Guide here: Join the Protein Priority Diet™️ Rapid Weight Loss Program now - Just $20 a month membership. Join now and leave any time, no contracts, no catch! To order your Perfect Keto Collagen, Electrolytes or any other product and get 20% off use the code CO20 and this link Read my blog: Say hi on social: Follow my Facebook page: Protein Priority Diet on Facebook: Protein Priority Diet on Instagram: *Affiliate Disclaimer: Note this description may contain affiliate links that allow you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. While this channel may earn minimal sums when the viewer uses the links, the viewer is in no way obligated to use these links. Thank you for your support! #proteinprioritydiet #highproteinweightloss #metabolicrecovery