Channel: Fun Factory
Category: Entertainment
Tags: candy store haulfun factorycandy shopping spreekids shoppinggummy ratcandygummy tonguegiant candygummy spiderplay doh girlkids playingrocket fizzgiant gummykids shopping videoshuge candy storecandy haulcandy storegross candyfun
Description: Play Doh Girl goes to Rocket Fizz Candy Store to look for giant gummy tongues and candy. We had so much fun doing this candy store mega haul video and seeing all of the different kinds of candy they had there. We hope you guys enjoy the video and let us know in the comments what kind of candy is your favorite. Thanks for watching and please SUBSCRIBE and LIKE our videos. SUBSCRIBE HERE! Baby Dolls Playlist! Fun Playlist! Twin Babies Baby Dolls Lil' Cutesies' Picnic Basket in The Park Peppa Pig MLP Fashems Toy Videos Check out our Friends Channel! -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: "Playing in the Park on the Pirate Ship Playground for Kids Baby Alive Snackin Sara Doll Compilation" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-