Channel: Teacher's Tech
Category: Education
Tags: how to use google earth pro - beginners tutorial 2022teachers techgoogle earthgoogle earth tutorialgoogle earth projamie keetgoogle earth pro tutorialsave images in google earth progoogle earth pro downloadrecord a tour in google earth pronavigating in google earth prostreet view in google earth pro
Description: In this beginner’s tutorial, I will show you how to use Google Earth Pro. Google Earth Pro. Search for locations, measure distances and area, go back in time, and visit the Moon and Mars are some of the things you can do with Google Earth Pro Download Google Earth Pro here: 0:00 Introduction 0:49 Where to download Google Earth Pro 1:56 Navigating in Google Earth Pro 5:55 Searching for locations in Google Pro 7:26 Applying layers in Google Earth Pro 11:29 How to use Street View 13:50 Getting directions in Google Earth 15:12 Using the coordinates (longitude and latitude) 17:05 Measuring distance with the ruler 19:23 Finding the area of a location 20:33 Go back in time in Google Earth Pro (historical imagery) 21:46 Exploring the sky, the Moon, and Mars 23:35 Track sunlight 24:13 Record a tour in Google Earth Pro 25:03 Save high-resolution images of a location on Google Earth