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How To Unlock CAPITAL SHIPS & All Available Capital Ships! - LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga

Duration: 06:58Views: 40.3KLikes: 907Date Created: Mar, 2022

Channel: BattlefrontUpdates

Category: Gaming

Tags: capital shipslego star wars capital shipslego star wars skywalker saga newslego star wars the skywalker saga reactionlego star wars the skywalker saga release datelego star wars release datelego star wars skywalker sagathe skywalker saga lego gameplaythe skywalker saga reviewlego star wars the skywalker sagalego star wars the skywalker saga gameplaynew lego star wars gameplaylego star wars gamedeath starlego star wars the skywalker saga gameplay demo

Description: Let's take a look at how capital ships & capital ship encounters work in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker saga and which ones you can unlock! 🔥Get 10% off GFuel Energy with code SHEEV gfuel.ly/2GFhb6m 💻 My streaming & recording gear: bit.ly/ElgatoBFU 👴🏻Support the channel and join the senate: youtube.com/channel/UCzH3sYjz7qi6o1HFPRD0HCQ/join (Watch this video for full details: bit.ly/SenateMembership) ⌨️ My full setup 🎙️(computers, microphones etc): bit.ly/BFUSetup - Any Amazon purchases done within 24h of clicking a link in that document supports the channel. 📖 Get A Free Book of your choice through Audible: audibletrial.com/P04m0q 🎮 Check out daily clips on my second channel: bit.ly/ElliotUnleashed 🕹️ Use creator code BFUPDATES in the Epic Games store to support the channel! 👕 BFUpdates & Star Wars Merchandise: bit.ly/BFUShop 💬 SOCIAL MEDIA 🖼️: Twitter: bit.ly/BFUTwitter Facebook: bit.ly/BFUFacebook Instagram: bit.ly/BFUInsta Soti's Instagram: instagram.com/sotiblackpaws 📸CREDITS🎵: Thumbnail by Samuel Bäckman: twitter.com/SamueIBackman Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: epidemicsound.com Outro animation by David Allan david-allan.net 👴🏻SENATORS⚡

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