Channel: Simpawtico Dog Training
Category: Education
Tags: toy trainingpuppy trainingdog trainingleave it dog trainingian stonehow to train dog to leave ittake itleave it command dog trainingleave itteach your puppy to leave itsimpawtico dog trainingtake it and drop it cueresource guarding
Description: Teach your dog to ignore things on the ground, AND keep all your fingers when you reward them! **** Download the FREE Simpawtico Basic Gear Buyer’s Guide here: —————RESOURCES————— Some of the links below are affiliate links. These won't cost you anything, but the commissions we may earn through them help offset the cost of dog treats. Thanks for your support! Watch my Drop It video to complete the training! Watch my video on the Four Types of Toys and How To Use Them for more tips on mouth control: Check out the video from Dog Star Daily (Dr. Ian Dunbar) about Take It and Leave It (although he calls Leave It “Off”) We're largely using kibble in this video, but we also use and recommend Pet Botanics Training Rewards: On Amazon: On Chewy: We also use the Stewart Pro-Treats freeze-dried liver as a jackpot or super-lure On Amazon: On Chewy: Covered Rally Bowl used in the outdoor practice: *The covered bowl is a good tool because it prevents the dog from accidentally getting the food. As I said in the video, errors will set you back and erode your reliability. A cover helps you make it error-free. Hungry for more in-depth training? Simpawtico's online course, "Dog Training Essentials:" Simpawtico's online course "Loose Leash Walking:" ******* Simpawtico Dog Training on the web and social media: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Pinterest: Patreon: LinkedIn: TikTok: Visit our store on TeeSpring: About this video: In this video, Ian Stone from Simpawtico Dog Training shows you how to get started TODAY to train your dog to Leave It and Take It, two very important behaviors every dog should learn. Teach them to take things politely from you, and teach them to ignore things they shouldn’t have. Use this as a gateway to toy training, and a wonderful part of puppy training. Affiliate Disclosure: Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, Simpawtico Dog Training, LLC will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, we only recommend products or services we use personally, and that we believe will add value to our viewers. The price you pay is the same whether you use the affiliate link or not.