Channel: Brandon Carter
Category: Sports
Tags: how i stay in shape on vacationhow to stay in shape on vacationhow to stay fit on vacationhow to stay in shaperob lipsethow to not gain weight on vacationhow to stay fit while travelingstay in shape on vacationhow to get in shapehow to lose weight on vacationstaying in shape on vacationtravelling and dietingmerijn10 tips to stay in shape on vacationvacationhow to stay healthy on vacationstay in shapehow to stay in shape when you're on vacation
Description: Follow me on Instagram - In this video, Big Brandon King Keto "Hiit Workout GOD" Carter goes on a trip to his hometown of Chicago. He takes his girlfriend Alexa Mars and shows you how to stay in shape, stay lean, build muscle, and burn fat whilst on the go. He shows you his hacks for eating on the plane, how to workout in a hotel gym, and how to make money on the go.