Channel: Do you want to be free?
Category: Nonprofits & Activism
Tags: healerempowering womanmeditation practiceyogamelispiritual coachspiritualityhealingpositive thinkingrosie battimellifeel bettermeditationcoachingpositive affirmationspsychologist
Description: Unrestricted Thoughts: let's talk about healing, coaching, spirituality meditation and all that can help us to feel better. Rosie is a yoga, movement and healing coach from London. In this video she explains why meditation is so important, how to start implementing it into your daily routine, it's benefits and challenges, as well as a break down of some pranayama (breath work) to detoxify the body preparing it for meditation. You can find her on Instagram She is currently teaching online classes and sharing her knowledge and experience with staying calm within a chaotic situation. Instagram Handle: @yogamelli