Channel: iBuyNewStuff
Category: Education
Tags: solve 2x2 rubix cube2x2x2 rubiks cubehow to easily solve a 2x2 rubiks cubebeginner rubik's cubehow to solve a rubiks cubehow to solve a rubix cubehow do you solve a 2x2 rubix cuberubiks cube tutorialeasiest tutorialrubix cube2x2x2 rubik's cubehow to solve a 2x2x2 rubik's cubehow to solve a 2x2 rubik's cube in 2 moveshow to solve a 2x2 rubiks cubesolve a 2x22x2 rubiks cube tutorial2x2x2 rubiks cube tutorialrubiks cuberubik's cube 2x2
Description: This is the easiest method to solve the 2x2 Rubik’s cube! Also known as a 2x2x2 Rubik’s cube or pocket cube, it’s a fun little toy to learn and impress your friends or family with. This tutorial is laid out in a simple 3 step process: using 2 very easy algorithms you can learn how to solve the 2x2 Rubik’s cube in a few minutes. Grab one here! (Affiliate link) Step 1: Solving white faces: 0:28 Step 2: Solving whole side: 1:39 Step 3: Ordering corners: 4:57 Step 4: Solving the cube: 7:54 Examples: 9:30 Step 1/2: The first step to solving the 2x2 pocket cube is to solve a whole side. This is the hardest part of the whole process because it requires a tiny bit of trial and error, but once this is done, you’re 80% done! In this video, we solve the white face, and I show you methods how to solve the white side. Step 3: The second step is solving the corner order of the rest of the cube. For this step, we should make sure all the corners are in their right corners, but they don’t have to be solved. (The colours can be flipped around). I’ll call this half-solved corners. The algorithm to get all the corners in the right spot for this is simple. While looking at the cube with the white side facing the ground and with a half-correct corner in the top right, do this algorithm (Algorithm 1): U R U’ L’ U R’ U’ L It may look tricky, but if you look at the cube while doing it, it’s a very symmetric step. If the corners aren’t solved after one try of algorithm 1, try again. If the corners aren’t solved after two trials of algorithm 1, look at your cube. If the opposite half-corners are solved, perform algorithm 1 on a wrong-half corner. This will mix the order of the corners to make it solvable. Just repeat step 2 now and it will solve all your half-corners. If the one row half-corners are solved, rotate the top so the two solved half corners are on the back side. Now perform algorithm 1 on a wrong-half corner. This will mix the order of the corners to make it solvable. Just repeat step 2 now and it will solve all your half-corners. Step 4: This is the easiest part of the whole thing! Putting the half-corners in the right spot. The algorithm is: R’ D’ R D Keep repeating this on a corner until a yellow is on the top, then simply turn the top clockwise to the next unsolved yellow. Repeat until all top yellows are solved! ...and if you're still here, hit that SUBSCRIBE button. Thanks for supporting my channel. You'll love what is coming up! 🔥🔥Grab some awesome magnetic balls here: and save 25% with code "BuckOff25"🔥🔥 Thanks for your support! -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: "(1) Playing with 8208 micro magnetic balls! (pt. 7, Fun with Lego 2) " -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-