Channel: Women of Impact
Category: Education
Tags: business womanfemale empowermentdating advice for womennew relationshipwomen of impacthealthy relationshipdating advicetoxic relationshipbad relationshiprelationship advicebeing singleunhealthy relationshipshow to find a manhow to fix a relationshipwomen empowermentbusiness womendating tipsabusive relationshipinterviewlisa bilyeuwomen
Description: Hey guys, Lisa here! If you didn’t already know, I am super frikin excited to share that I’m writing a book! To be the FIRST to get sneak peeks about my book and other exclusive content go to: and be sure to sign up for my newsletter. If you have ever dated someone and created expectations long before a commitment was ever discussed, or fallen victim to being gaslit and thinking you were crazy because of the person you were involved with, this episode is for you. Being single is great when it’s your choice, and you have other goals that rank higher on your list of priorities. But, when being single feels like an involuntary life status and no one you date seems to be working out, what are you supposed to do? We’ve pulled together 7 Tips for dating and getting rid of unreasonable expectations to help you find love in a healthy relationship that allows you the space and environment you need to thrive. These 6 relationship experts break down everything from why you have to stop trying to be the problem solver when he tells you why he doesn’t have time for you to reasons why you have to start prioritizing sex and stop getting too far ahead of yourself. “Instead of going in with a curiosity, we go in with a conclusion.” Matthew Hussey Also check the full episodes from any of these amazing clips here: Matthew Hussey, Relationship Expert: Spirit, the Professor: Steph Purpura & Emily Morse: Najwa Zebian: Stephan Labossiere, Relationship Coach: Emily Morse: SHOW NOTES: Tip #1 | You Get Ahead of Yourself [0:38] Bonus | Matthew Hussey’s 4 Stages of Importance [5:10] Tip #2 | You’re Not Actually Compatible [10:54] Tip #3 | You Don’t Know How to Communicate [19:07] Tip #4 | You Ignore Your Past [27:04] Tip #5 | You’re Not Mature Enough [32:33] Tip #6 | You Don’t Prioritize Sex [36:53] Tip #7 | You Lack Self Awareness [41:18] QUOTES: “Instead of watching a story unfold, we've created the story before it's happened [...] so now what happens is our mind takes the 5% of what we know and uses it to build a story for the next 95%.” Matthew Hussey [2:06] “You are hiring for the most important position on Earth. And that position is for your life mate. And that's how we have to see dating” Spirit [13:45] “I had to understand how I got myself to a point where my whole self worth and my whole image of who I was, and understanding of who I was, was in someone's hands” Najwa Zebian [30:38] “Just because someone took advantage of those needs, and of those dreams, it doesn't mean that something was wrong with me for wanting them, we all want love” Najwa Zebian [31:31] “Recognize the difference between the person who does not belong in our life and continues to do wrong, and the person who does belong in our life, but makes mistakes.” Stephan Labossiere [35:36] “As soon as you're having sex with somebody, it's time to start talking about it.” Emily Morse [40:19] “At least allow your knowledge of how long you've been in the past to create the space for you to be curious instead of rushing to the end of the story already.” Matthew Hussey [45:10] Follow Matthew Hussey: Follow Spirit: Follow Steph Purpura: Follow Emily Morse : Follow Najwa Zebian: Follow Stephan Labossiere: