Channel: Wealth Hacker - Jeff Rose
Category: Education
Tags: how to achieve financial freedomsteps to financial freedomsteve adcockfinancial freedomfinancial independencehow to save for retirementadvice for early retirementwealth hacker jeff rosesteveonspeedsteps to retiring earlyhow to retire earlyfinancial freedom movementjeff rosefire movementhow can i retire early
Description: There are certain things that I would not give up…. Netflix, In-N-Out Burger, red meat…..etc. For many that are trying to achieve financial independence or financial freedom, these people are saving up to 97% of their income. Today you are going to meet Steve Adcock, who gave up a lot of things to retire by 35. He also kept a lot of the things he loved. We are going to talk about how Steve and his wife were able to retire by 35. You can find Steve here: 00:00 Intro 02:31 ➡️ Tell us what you are excited about, what your mission is right now. 04:40 ➡️ Financial investing and financial independence are very important to you - what was it that made you passionate about this? 07:31 ➡️ At what point did you are your wife decide to start this journey and what were some of the action items you put in motion? 10:31 ➡️ You were saving 70% of your income. What were some of the lifestyle changes you had to make? What were the response from family, coworkers, etc. about your savings plan? 15:03 ➡️ It sounds like you has some good financial habits passed down to you? 18:54 ➡️ At what point in your journey did you start sharing what you were doing with others? 23:37 ➡️ What led to your burnout that had you sell your website? 32:08 ➡️ How do you find the balance of what to cut out and when to reward yourself? 36:46 ➡️ Tell us about ‘@SteveonSpeed’ #retireearly #steveadcock ★☆★Time to Invest!★☆★ 📊Build Custom Portfolios at M1 Finance: 🎯Get Free Stock w/ WeBull: 🏠Invest in Real Estate w/ Fundrise: 💶 CrypTo Currency Saving Accounts w/ BlockFi: 💳 Free Credit Score w/ Credit Karma: —— ✅🧠Learn From Jeff✅🧠 ▶︎▶︎▶︎ Free Course: "Make $1K Blogging" 💻 //Step by step guide shows you how to start a blog and make your first $1,000 ➡️➡️➡️ ———— ★☆★The Ultimate Guide to Make More Money 💰 [FREE DOWNLOAD]★☆★ //This guide has everything you need to know about how to make MORE money: ➡️➡️➡️ —— ★☆★The Passive 1k Formula™★☆★ //The exact process Jeff used to grow his passive income business that generates hundreds of thousands dollars per year passively. ➡➡ — — ★☆★ SUBSCRIBE TO JEFF''S YOUTUBE CHANNEL NOW ★☆★ ★☆★ WANT MORE FROM WEALTH HACKER™ LABS?★☆★ 💰Wealth Hacker™ blog: 💻 Personal finance blog: Podcast: 🎙 ★☆★Pick up Jeff's best selling book, Soldier of Finance, here: ★☆★ 📗 ★☆★ CONNECT WITH JEFF ON SOCIAL★☆★ ➡Twitter: ➡Instagram: ➡Facebook: ➡Linked In: Jeff's favorite T-shirt line, Compete Every Day: 👕