Channel: Chris Kruger
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: low testosterone levelslow testosteronelow testosterone symptomsincrease testosteronetestosterone supplementsis fasting safeandrogen deficiencylow thow to increase testosteronesigns of low testosteronelow testosterone treatmentboost testosterone workoutketosis dangerslow testosterone in young mentestosterone (hormone)boost testosteroneboost testosterone binaurallow testosterone young maletestosterone levels
Description: Click here to get my free Six Pack Secret kit: Kit includes free video series + PDF + cheat sheet In this episode of Transformation Truth Chris Kruger discusses Low-T, and how to raise your Testosterone Naturally, without Injections, Pellets, Tablets, Patches or Gels. It’s been almost 10 years since I hurt my back and got to my heaviest weight. If you want to stop the cycle of frustration from then you have to stop losing at “Metabolic Checkers” that’s what I call the calorie game, instead you need to start winning at ”Metabolic Chess,” or what I call the hormone game. If you want me to show you how to do, please leave the words, “Metabolic Chess” in the comments section. Alright, let’s make it happen! ” This is YouTube homie, I’m not a Doctor and this IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE nor an attempt to treat or diagnose any medical conditions, real or imagined. I keep getting tons of YouTube comments from people that want to know if fasting is a good way to get abs, but first... If you want more than just a few random YouTube tips, if you want to get the complete package and learn the secret to effortless abs click the link below this video and get my new “6-Pack secrets” course for FREE. Once you learn the secret, getting and keeping your ABS will be easy. Click for my FREE "Six-Pack Secret" video series + cheat sheet Once you know the secret to effortless abs you'll be able to use my fasting methods to quickly: Immediately get rid of miserable water weight that makes you bloated. Spontaneously reduce your calorie intake without DIETING! Sustain your results for the long-term. Make sure you subscribe now and ring the bell because I do 2 brand new video each week. Plus, I let my audience choose the topics so leave a comment below and I’ll do my best to cover it a future video. You never to be frustrated with your physique again… I’m happy you found me because I know that I can help you change your life. If you’ve ever worked out hard and used strict dieting to get results that didn’t last, than you NEED to learn the secret that I use everyday. I lost 50 pounds in my original YouTube transformation video… that was almost a DECADE ago and today I’m in my mid 30’s and everything is SO MUCH easier than it was back then. Click the link below this video and start using my methods today. I promise the results that are FAST, but that more importantly they also LAST. You never need to be frustrated by yo-yo dieting again when the secret will set you free. Want to know the secret to getting a six-pack that no one tells you? Then download my free "Six-Pack Secret" digital vault here: Future YT video topics: How to burn fat How to lose belly fat How to use Ketosis for fast results How to get a 6-pack How to maintain your sixpack abs. The best exercises for six-pack abs. The best ways to fast for weight loss. Healthy diets and ways of eating. FREE: My "Six-Pack Secret" Action Planner. (3 videos + workout + PDF worksheets)