Channel: TalkingBass - Online Bass Lessons
Category: Music
Tags: online bass lessonsbass guitar lessonbeginner bass guitarbass practice routinesbass practicespelling drillsmark smithfree bass lessonsbass ear trainingbass practice exercisesbass guitar practicemark j smithbass sight readingbass guitar lessonsbass guitar techniqueear trainingbass lessonsbass guitar tutorialbass guitarbest bass exerciseshow to play basstalkingbasshow to play bass guitarlearn bass guitar
Description: One question that comes up time and time again is how can I practice without a bass? So today I’ll give you some tips that might help you out stay tuned till the end for a simple hand exercise and warm up that you can use away from the bass to keep your hands in shape. Talkingbass: #basslesson #talkingbass #basspractice ===================================================== Follow Talkingbass: ► Instagram: ► Facebook: ====================================================== These Free Online Bass Guitar Lessons from Mark J Smith are released weekly so subscribe for updates and visit for a complete lesson map and all the downloadable lesson material. bass lessons mark smith