Channel: Cereal Marshmallows
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: defi cryptocurrencykd5 kadena mininghow to cash out cryptocrypto mininggoldshell kd6how does crypto mining worklayer 1 blockchain projectdxpool mining pool withdrewmining starcoinwhere to sell coins i minemining with a stboxblockchainusing dex to sell mining profitsis kucoin safeis legithow to cash out mining profitswhere to buy kadena kdahow to buy starcoin stc
Description: This is sort of a Instructional Video of how to Move your Kadena KDA where to buy it and Move from your Mining Pool Account to Kucoin so you can sell for USDT and the Move the Crypto Stable Coin to your Account So you can buy STC Starcoin or ANY Cryptocurrency you want to buy. Starcoin is a Green Eco Friendly Power efficient Algorithm. The STC-BOX or ST-BOX ASIC miner uses 80% Less Power than any other ASIC Mining Machine. STC Starcoin is one of my Favorite and likely THE MOST PROMISING Blockchain Project I have Researched! Like Kadena KDA mining of KD5 Make sure and read the White Paper before you Invest I am sure you will be Impressed Here are some Official Starcoin links Starcoin on CoinGecko ~ Starcoin Website ~ Starcoin on Twitter ~ Starcoin on Medium ~ Starcoin is a Layer 1 and Layer 2 Blockchain the Coin or Token is $STC #STC . I am Mining it with ASIC Miners. The Star Coin Cryptocurrency is one that I mine ALOT of. This project is not new its been around since 2018 even having NFT's Powered by Facebooks MOVE used on Libra it combines a lot of Bitcoin BTC and Ethereum ETC and makes it better. Make sure and read up on Starcoin read the white paper you will be glad you did!! #starcoin #mining I have invested in Crypto mostly along with Buying BTC LTC DOGE and many other Projects / Coins / Tokens. Starcoin is a Blockchain tech Layer 1 & 2 with DAO, NFT, Dapp and Smart contract Owned by westar labs there is a Thor Protocol, Sirius and Stargate they have the Starmask Wallet and even ST Blockchain Explorer You should for sure read the white paper and research this project out its the real deal! Not only that its Proof of Work POW Mineable! one of my top coins I am invested in! Not only that the Low market cap and cheap price are attractive when the team is consistantly making Milestones and moving forward and getting HUGE news like Coin Market Cap and Coin Gecko and there is no reaction. Here is part of what they say on their website I mine mine on DXPOOL A Layered Smart Contract and Distributed Financial Network Starcoin is a blockchain project designed for distributed finance, inspired by Facebook's 2019 release of Libra and using its smart contract language Move which is designed specifically for distributed financial networks. Inspired by Bitcoin and Ethereum, Starcoin aims to be an easy-to-use financial infrastructure for all users by improving the PoW algorithm and introducing a layered network architecture. #Starcoin #ASICmining #bitcoinmining This is the most exciting Layer 1 and layer 2 Project I have ever seen! Starcoin STC Setup Goldshell ST-BOX RARE ASIC Miner ~ Setting up to Mine Cryptocurrency Easy mining at home. Setup with Yotta BC to get the IP Address This process is the same for the KD-Box, CK-BOX, HS-BOX, Mini Doge, KD-Box and even CK5 KD5 HS3 etc Its pretty much same with Bitmain Antminer S9 S19 S17 T17 L7 L3 L3+ L3++ etc and other brands Kadena is launching one of the world’s first true scalable blockchains ready for applications. Kadena’s public blockchain is a braided, high-throughput Proof of Work system that runs Chainweb, a protocol that delivers security and throughput. Kadena enterprise software is in use today by major companies in finance, healthcare, and insurance while allowing builders with a vision to skip straight from idea to product. With the launch of Kadena’s public chain, this system will support blockchain application development, from private to public and everywhere in between. The Kadena token (KDA) is a digital currency that is used to pay for computation on the Kadena public chain. Similar to ETH on Ethereum, KDA on Kadena is the token in which miners are compensated for mining blocks on the network and is the transaction fee that users pay in order to have their transactions included in a block. Link to items we use on Amazon ~ Mine your STC KDA CKB DOGE LTC SIA HNS And more at DXPOOL Here is a link Signup for a Gate .io Account and save 20% on fees TRADE CRYPTOCOIN AND STOCKS WITH THE LINKS BELOW Sign up for WEBULL and get up to 12 Free stocks! This is REAL and its easy and profitable. Sign up and Buy Stocks on ETRADE one of the Best out there! Buy the items we use in the shop SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL Subscribe Send Me Hate Mail or Goodies & Stuff to show on Youtube 1 Owner Car Guy (Nathan Wratislaw) 3124 HWY 93 Stevensville, MT 59870 No Ticking items please ;-)