Channel: TyingItAllTogether
Category: Education
Tags: bracelet (fictional object)fusion knotsparachute cordparacord crittersjd lenzenjdhow-to (website category)tyingitalltogetherbraceletstiat550 paracordheart burst bar
Description: Purchase Paracord As Seen In This Video Here: [Instructional Book] Paracord Project Inspirations: The Heart Burst Bar is a unique way to incorporate the shape of a heart seemingly 'bursting' out of a standard Solomon Bar. The bar is ideal as a valentine's gift for a loved one or close friend. Inside Side Note: For me "::heart burst::" is a term of endearment, texted when my heart is sooo feels like it's going to burst! :) Genre: Paracord Bracelet By: Tying It All Together Design: JD Lenzen