Channel: Yummieliciouz Food Recipes
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: homemade pomegranate winehealthy drinkpomegranate recipepomegranate health benefitspomegranate fruit cuttinghow to make pomegranate juicejuicejuicingpomegranate juice benefitspomegranate juice recipehomemade pomegranate juicejuicing for weight losspomegranatepomegranate juicebest way to open pomegranatepomegranate winebenefits of pomegranatehealthy drink recipepomegranate drink
Description: How to Make Pomegranate Juice Here is a simple tutorial on how to cut open a pomegranate and make pomegranate juice. Pomegranate is a superfood with many health benefits. Pomegranate juice is so tasty and refreshing. Pomegranate is a great addition to your diet, your body will thank you for it. Pomegranate juice is a perfect substitute for red wine. Pomegranate juice tastes just like wine. #pomegranate #pomegranatejuice #howtomakepomegranatejuice What you need: Pomegranate Slow juicer More videos you might like: How to Make Beetroot Pomegranate Juice How to Make Beetroot Pineapple Pomegranate Juice The Best Way to Open a Pomegranate SUBSCRIBE TO US ► Thank you for watching.