Channel: Satisfying Pill
Category: Entertainment
Tags: craftshow todiyfornite gamedrift maskcardoboarddiy maskfortnitecardboard mask
Description: How To Make DRIFT Mask from FORTNITE - DIY Cardboard DIY Crafts In this video I'd like to show you how to make drift mask from fortnite game. All you need to make a mask is : - Cardboard box of shoes - Scissors - Super glue - iClay - Sketch of the mask download link - The mask is super-tough, comfortable to wear and looks the same as the one in the game. It's up to you how will you paint the mask, this time I used the same colors as well as the original mask. I'm sure you will like it when you make your own. Enjoy and have fun! Subscribe to channel for more interesting videos: Music used in this video is from YouTube audio library.