Channel: Navin Khambhala #crazyNK
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: how to make a air conditionernavin khambhalacrazy nkhomemade electric carhow to make a best out of wasteair compressed cardo it yourself (hobby)how to make a air pumphow to make a air coolercreativecrazynkhow to make a air compressorremote controlled carhow to make a air blowermotor powered carhow to make a air guncreativityphysics working model for science exhibition
Description: DIY : learn how to make a car (air powered toy) using a plastic bottle. make it remote control car using remote made in video of remote control car Let's check out website for all major details: Visit New channel- Mr. NK: Fb Page: It's Physics working models for science exhibition. Thank you for watching Crazy NK !!!!!!