Channel: Rulof Maker
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: curvinghow tofeetforestleg viseknee visecrafthow to maketoolstipsdo it yourselfwoodworkingdiywoodtutorialpowerpressmakeruloffootvicechainhomemadeoldinstructablessurvivaltricksrulof makersculptureholderbench visetoolvintageselfmadeholt
Description: in this video i will show you how i made a simple but very usefull vise it can put a lot of force the system is very simple. a long chain goes under my foot, as i put tension on the chain this will close the vise. this lillte tool can be very handy not only for wood curving. but also for fishing, or solderiring electronics.. is like having a tird hand to hold the objects in place. My video Equipment: 4K Camera: Voiceover Mic: Video lights: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Donations: PayPal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stay Tuned on my FB music: cdk - cdk - Sunday cdk - Like Music (cdk_Mix)