Channel: Tapendra Mandal
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: engraving machinehow to create gcodecomputer numeric controlhome made cncdrawing machinecreative ideasdiy cnc routercool projectseasy homemade projecttapendramandalmcodehomemade printer machinehow to run cncsmall cnchomemade milling machinecncold dvd cnc machinehow to make a cnc machinecnc router projectstapendra mandal
Description: DIY learn how to make a CNC machine at your home very easily under $10. Project file on the free design tool: component i used 1. 2x old PC DVD Writer 2. Arduino nano ( 3. Small servo motor ( 4. L293D ( 5. Zero PCB ( download the circuits and codes follow the link below Thanks for watching my video! In the next video i will show you how to create gcode and execute by this machine...please stay tuned video will be uploaded soon !!! Latin Industries Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License