Channel: MeasureSchool
Category: Education
Tags: future of tracking. cookie bandigital marketinggdpr compliancefuture of trackinggtm consent banneropt out of marketingprivacy concernsad targetinggoogle tag managercookiecookie bannersgeneral data protection regulationend of trackinggdprgtm cookiecookie consentthird party cookiesdigital marketing itpcookie consent banner with gtmwebsite trackingallow all cookies
Description: Cookie banners have now become an indispensable part of the web browsing experience due to privacy regulations like the GDPR in the EU and UK, CCPA in the US, LGPD in Brazil, and similar privacy laws across the world. Data security regulations are expanding, and the threat of enforcement continues to mount. Customers expect to be able to access and control their privacy, data, and relationships with businesses. Considering all these, digital marketers and business owners have found themselves in need of implementing cookie consent banners on their websites even if their sites are not required to display them yet. With this in mind, we have created a series of four videos in which we will show you how to install a cookie consent banner on your website with the help of GTM, so your users understand what kinds of cookies you use and how you use them to enhance your site's user experience.. OUTLINE 00:00 - Introduction. 02:11 - Cookie Consent Basics. 04:08 - Cookie Banner Configuration. 06:16 - Cookie Consent Banner Mechanism. 07:47 - Pull Cookie Information to GTM. 08:53 - More Useful Information. 🔗 Links: Watch the full-length video here 👉: GitHub repository: 🎓 Measure Masters Membership: FREE Tag Manager Course: FREE Analytics Course: 🔀 GTM Copy Paste - Our Chrome extension 🚀 Hire us: 📚 Recommended Measure Books: 📷 Gear we used to produce this video: 📡 Our Live Streaming Software: 👍 FOLLOW US Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn: GDPR, Cookie Consent, website tracking, future of tracking. Cookie ban, cookie, third party cookies, future of tracking, digital marketing ITP, end of tracking, digital marketing, gdpr, opt out of marketing, allow all cookies, cookie banners, privacy concerns, ad targeting, GTM cookie, gtm consent banner, cookie consent banner with GTM,