Channel: Vicsnatural Workout and Fitness Channel
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: vicsnatural workoutslosing weighthow to lose weightweight lossexercisevicsnatural workouthow to lose love handlesvicsnaturalworkoutvictor costa workoutsfitnesshow i lost my love handleshow to loose love handleslove handleshow to get rid of love handles
Description: How to Get Rid of Love Handles. Vicsnatural explains how he lost his love handles. I hope you enjoyed the video and the message about how I ultimately got rid of my love handles. This is a true story about how I tried to get rid of my love handles after changing my focus. Certainly, you can try the same technique. Please click the link below and you will see my natural bodybuilding test, along with my free audiobook and my training programs- See the link You can follow me on Social