Channel: Amy Pearce
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: dateparentdadpaintmomout doorspearcechildrencreateher art from the atticcreativityparentinggrouppainting with a twistcreativefriendsout sidequalityoutsidein thechildentertainmumentertainingactivityartistballoonskidfamily home eveningamysunsummerteacheracrylicclasskidsher arttemperaartfheballoonteachcoolstonedate nightpaintingatticactivitiestimefamilyfun
Description: If you've never thrown a water balloon full of paint, you MUST try it! It is the perfect art project for summer. Here is a video showing how to fill water balloons with paint. It is a video that I made for Mr. Otter Studio. CLICK HERE to watch, "Water Balloon Painting HOW TO": SUPPLY LIST: -Water Balloons -Acrylic or Tempera Paint (I used tempera because I was painting with my kids, and wanted to use paint that was non-toxic. The colors WILL lighten significantly when you use tempera paint. You can use professional grade acrylic paint for a more professional look and finish. Also, the less water you use to dilute your paint, the more vibrant and rich your colors will turn out.) -Water Bottles with nozzle spout -Water (optional) SUBSCRIBE, THUMBS UP and TELL ME what you thought of this tutorial! SUBSCRIBE and join me on FACEBOOK here: Follow Amy on Instagram! @herartfromtheattic