Channel: Vector Slate | Graphic Design Tutorials
Category: Education
Tags: package designcup mockupmockup tutorialphotoshop ccmockup design in illustratormockup design in photoshopillustrator tutorialshow to create mockupmockup design tutorialpackaging designbottle mockuphow to make mockupgraphic design tutorialsgraphic designphotoshoppackagingbusiness card mockupvector slatemockuphow to design mockupproduct designbox mockupmockup designillustrator tutorialillustrator ccin photoshop
Description: ► More Tutorials: ► Twitter: Hello world, this time I made a basic Product Packaging Mockup Design Video tutorial for Illustrator. Here I've shown you How to Create basic shaped Mockup From Scratch in Adobe Illustrator. By using this technique you can create any shape of boxes, cylinder & maybe more cool packaging mockup. I mean how to design Actual mockup, which you can reuse anytime. There are lots of tutorials mockup design but no one seems to teach how to make a Vector Mockup template this way. Which you can render/export at quite a large resolution without worrying about quality. So here it is. Have Fun. ► Photoshop PSD Mockup from Scratch: ► I hope you'll learn something out of it. :) Do Like & Subscribe. Keep Learning!! ================================ Business Inquiry : or Reach me via Any Social Media Messaging: Twitter : Facebook : Instagram : ================================