Channel: Izadi
Category: Entertainment
Tags: jakefortnite mansionrugtannerfazegirlshotfoxlas vegasloganizadigingerbread mansionsupreme mansionpaulspooky mansionpartyvegas mansionmansiongraffiti mansionarmani
Description: I met this girl I really like but it is really hard to date during Quarantine. I came up with a plan that worked like a charm! Don't worry guys we are all safe and still painting your names on the house, it's juts taking a really long time! INSTAGRAM ⇒ TWITTER ⇒ MANSION ⇒ My name is Armani Izadi and welcome to my channel! This channel follows my life as a graffiti artist and mood director! The fact that you even clicked on my channel is more than enough, but if you enjoy the content, feel free to subscribe! TITLE #SocialDistancing #DistanceDating #Izadi