Channel: Tamara Kelly - Moogly
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: moogly crocheteastercrochet easter projectsvt]=e~yzmuc[-ekz5~&@we\wiggle trivetfree easter crochethow to crochetmooglyspring crochetcrochet easter decorcrochet home decoreaster egg crocheteaster eggcrochet easter egglily sugar’n creameaster crochet patternscrochet trivetcrochet patterncrochetwiggle crochetcotton yarnwiggle crochet tutorialmooglyblogmoogly tutorialcrochet eastereaster crochetcrochet tutorial
Description: The Easter Egg Wiggle Trivet is a fun and handy stash buster crochet pattern that livens up your spring table! Perfect for all your cotton odds and ends - get the free crochet trivet pattern on Moogly! As Seen in This Video (click each for more info!): Easter Egg Wiggle Trivet - FREE CROCHET PATTERN Susan Bates crochet hook Lily Sugar'n Cream