Channel: Virtual Sheet Music
Category: Music
Tags: practicehow to create your own musicclassicaltechniquelearningteachingtipsviolin beginnerscoreteachermusichow-to (conference subject)tutorialviolin tips and tricksfrog on the butterlearning violinviolinviolin tutoriallearnpracticinghow to improvise on the violinlessonhow to play the violinviolin student tipshow to make your own musicviolin learningviolin practiceplayingexcercisesbeginner violin lessonstips for violin students
Description: Be sure to like this video! In this video, Lorrie teaches you how to create your own melody with your violin. Be sure to post your comments, questions, or requests on this video's dedicated page by clicking the link below where you'll also find a text transcription of it: Enjoy your violin learning and be sure to share this video with your friends or with anyone who may find it useful! And, please, don't forget to like this video ;) Thanks for watching!