Channel: Shawn Lee
Category: Entertainment
Tags: deloadhardworkcarbsshawnmotivationgaining weighthealth and wellnessleetipsfitness tipsfatscompound exercisedietcalculaterest dayhow to count caloriesprotienmacrokrikituphealthcaloriesfoodworkoutvloggymleg day
Description: Disclaimer : I'm not a professional. This is just sharing my experience on how I did it. I got everything thought research on reading up and watching videos. I made a lot of mistakes in my diet through out the years of working out. Hope this helps you in your journey of gaining weight! ALL THE BEST! stay motivated! IG : shawnleebeatbox Kriks Discord : Read this before joining the discord! Make sure you read the RULES Section! You must react to the Mee6 bot message, then only you can view all the channels. CHECK OUT MY SONGS!! Contact