Channel: JeremyShaferOrigami
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: origami cubeorigami rubiks cubeorigamijeremy shaferhow to construct a rubik's cubepaper rubiks cuberubik'skaragamikaragamiirubikjeremy shafer paper rubiks cubehow to construct a paper rubik's cubejo nakashimajeremyshaferorigamiorigami jeremy shaferpaper rubik's cube that movesdiy rubik's cubejeremy shafer paper rubik's cube puzzle3x3jeremy shafer origamiorigami rubix cuberubix cubecollaborationpuzzlejeremy shafer rubiks cuberubiks cube
Description: [Easy] How to Make a Paper Rubik's Cube Puzzle - THAT CAN BE SOLVED! Here is the link to the PDF template: which you should print onto letter-sized cardstock (A4 paper should work ok too) If your printer is just black and white here's a template you can print: This way you can print it and color as you choose (thanks to commenter, Imarobloxplayer, for the template request). This is a Rubik's-Cube inspired puzzle involving three interlocking cubical loops that can be repositioned to turn an apparently scrambled Rubik's Cube into an apparently solved Rubik's Cube. This video shows how to make the scrambled cube but I'll have a separate tutorial coming out soon showing how to solve it. I actually just posted it now on my TikTok here: Here is Karagamii's video: I want to mention that there are actually 2 solutions for the solved puzzle and 2 solutions to the completely scrambled cube. However, on the official solved Rubik's Cubes green is opposite blue, red is opposite orange and yellow is opposite white, so if you say that the puzzle requires following that color scheme then there is only one true solution for the solved cube. And there's also just one realistic solution for the scrambled cube, because the other solution would create a pattern that would be impossible to get on a real Rubik's Cube because on a real Rubik's Cube all corner pieces consist of three different colors and all the edge pieces consist of two different colors. This design and concept evolved over several months, but my initial seed of inspiration came from NProkuda's Dollar Cube video: From there I tried to make a dollar box that was heads (framed George Washington) on 3 sides and scales (key and scales emblem on the back side of the dollar), and somehow that evolved into the color changing concept. I tried to make this modular model using just origami locks, but the model would get stuck as I was transforming it, which is why I finally resorted to using tape and scissors and not calling it origami. An older version of this Paper Rubik's Cube was the Color Changing Cube which is what you saw Karagamii in the process of solving in the intro. A couple months before publishing this final Rubik's Cube version, I pretty much had already completed the no-template Color Changing Cube tutorial and here it is: , but the one part that I hadn't completed was making the optional template, which is what Kara and I had agreed to do back in October when I first showed her the puzzle. As I was brainstorming for what kind of templates to make I suddenly got the idea of the Rubik's cube template, and I decided to start over and make the tutorial using the Rubik's Cube Template. In making the template I was curious what position was the most difficult to solve the Rubik's Cube, and I found the answer by watching this Cuber J Perms video: So this video was kind of a collaboration between four YouTubers! #PaperRubiksCube #CanYouSolveIt #JeremyShafer Here are some ways to support me to make more awesome videos: 1. Join as a Member to get access to perks: 2. Book a private origami Zoom tutoring session here: 3: Buy one of my books or packages of paper on my Amazon shop: 4. Subscribe and hit the notification bell: 5: Follow me on Instagram: ... or Facebook: 6: Please tell your friends about my channel. Thank you for watching and enjoying these videos! Although this isn't origami (because of the tape and template), this is a really fun puzzle and I actually figured out how to solve it without having to learn any algorithms! Well, I had better be able to solve it... since I invented it! However, I still can't solve a real Rubik's Cube... but at least now I can spell it!🤣