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How To Build Self Discipline

Duration: 07:01Views: 2.5KLikes: 281Date Created: Aug, 2021

Channel: Aust1n

Category: Entertainment

Tags: youtubegamingmasterbationmotivationsuicidejournalingworthlessnesspornanxietygirlfriendlife improvementquitgymdepressionmental help

Description: Twitter - twitter.com/Aust1nAust1n DISCLAIMER - The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. You have to have a purpose or a reason. Once you have a goal with a reason, you must establish a plan to achieve the goal, otherwise you will fall into the trap of feeling overwhelmed and/or lost in the abyss of your own thoughts, and it’s this feeling over being overwhelmed that leads to resistance and procrastination, and discipline cannot exist in this setting, so the best way to stay anchored and centered is by establishing a plan and occasionally some to-do lists. Don’t complain or make excuses, even if something wasn’t your fault. Once you overcome the habit to stay complacent, literally nothing will be able to stop you. The harder it is to be responsible for something, then the easier it is to take responsibility for less difficult situations in the future, and you’ll coast along on autopilot like a train. Staying fully complacent in any category of obstacles whether they were your fault or not, you risk losing your discipline, because you obviously know that tiny changes compound into habits, so naturally if you give your brain an unearned or unplanned opportunity to forgo the required discipline for that slot time that you originally set, you’re telling your brain that these opportunities exist in the world, and it’s going to continue to spend brain power and search for more of these opportunities of relaxation. Allowing yourself to be impulsively lazy will compound overtime, and it’s incredibly crucial you establish habits to make it as easy as possible to NOT fall back into a state with no discipline. When developing discipline, you’re essentially taking on habits and a routine to change something about your life, and the best way to stay on this path without any outside interruption is by keeping your practices and your need for discipline to yourself, because a principle of life is that most people don’t like change, even if it has nothing to do with them. People hardly change overtime, and naysayers will always exist. If these changes you’re making have nothing to do with them, it’s better not to give these naysayers a chance to speak if they have a history of not providing any logical or rational points relevant to your benefits. If all they can present is emotional reasoning for why you shouldn’t change your life for what you know is better, then this person has either tried something of the sort themselves and has failed or given up at it, or they simply don’t like change and don’t think for themselves while simultaneously being an ignorant pessimist and a complainer. Without being able to delay gratification, it’s impossible to keep a discipline alive. Every single success person in our world today, had to make some kind of sacrifice early on in the process. The saying “You’re only happy or rich if you get lucky” just pisses me off to no end. If you want to be successful in life, but also think you need to be lucky, then you’re essentially telling yourself that you’re okay with your current hectic circumstances. To me it seems almost like a curse to think that way, that you’re not worthy or undeserving of a specific reward. This saying also completely ignores all the sacrifices most successful people had to make. I know this is true because when most entrepreneurs tell others that they’re an entrepreneur, they’re met with one of two responses. If the entrepreneur is in the middle of making sacrifices to better his or her life, then people might think he or she’s a lazy deadbeat, but if the entrepreneur has met all his goals, people are inclined to think he or she just got lucky. This goes back to the sour grapes tale, where the fox gave up on trying to reach for the grapes and later convinced himself that the grapes were probably sour anyway, when in reality this is just a response and an attempt to comfort yourself when something gets too hard and you couldn’t be bothered. When trying to better your life in a drastic way, expect there to be no gratification along the path, but see every hurdle in the road as an opportunity to grow, because there is no such thing as a happy life that is also in a tensionless and directionless state. We stay happy by striving through difficult times while in pursuit of a goal that we realistically believe in. Thanks for listening, and I’ll see you in the next video. 0:00 - Intro 0:15 - Plan 0:50 - Overcoming Complacency 3:12 - Handling Naysayers 4:28 - Delay Gratification

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