Channel: Aaron Longstaff
Category: Gaming
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Description: This video is a detailed tutorial for a Round water well it uses some of the techniques in my latest Tips & Tricks video, please note that this is for decoration only and does not serve as a working water well. Join this channel to get access to perks: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Build Information 🌍 Map - N/A 📌 coordinates - N/A 💪🏻 Difficulty Lvl - ★★★☆☆ 🛠 Materials 06 x Stone Triangle Foundation 03 x Thatch Wall 02 x Wooden Triangle Ceilings 04 x Wooden Ceilings 24 x Stone Fence Foundations 48 x Stone Pillars 26 x Thatch Ceiling 01 x Wooden Ladder 02 x Stone Irrigation Pipe Vertical 02 x Stone Irrigation Pipe Straight 02 x Stone Taps 01 x Beer Barrel 01 x Wooden Ceiling 01 x Wooden Catwalk 02 x Wooden Fence Foundations 06 x Wooden Pillars 02 x Wooden Walls 02 x Stone Railings 04 x Wooden Ramps 02 x Trophy Wall Mounts 120 x Wooden Wall Signs 24 x Wooden Hatch Frames 24 x Wooden Trapdoors___________________________________________________________________________ 🎮🕹 Controls Flip Wall XBOX (Y Button) PS4 (Triangle Button) PC (E Key) Snap Point Cycle XBOX (RB) PS4 (R1) PC (Q or Z Key) Painting PC - Hold alt-fire (default: Right Mousebutton) and use the number keys (1-6) to select which colour regions you wish to paint Xbox - LT+ Up, Down, Left or Right on DPad (for region 1-4) and Xbox: LT+LB+ X or Y (for region 5 and 6) PS4 - L2 + Up, Down, Left or Right on DPad (for region 1-4) and L2 + L1+ Square or X (for region 5 and 6) _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ♫Music Credit♫ All music used in this video by Stream Beats ☆ OUTRO - Echo3zDown - Like Nothing Felt Before - • Echo3zDown _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 📢 Social Media Follow Me On Instagram: Follow Me On Twitter: Support Me On Patreon: Join my Discord _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 🤝 Partners: ▶︎ Advanced gg - ▶︎ Nitrado - Get your own Nitrado server Here ▶︎ Nitro Concepts - Buy a chair in the UK - Buy In Europe - Caseking