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How to Build a Modern Dining Room in Minecraft - Modern House Tutorial #3

Duration: 07:22Views: 4.6KLikes: 91Date Created: Oct, 2017

Channel: Panda Games

Category: Gaming

Tags: minecrafthow to buildconcretedining roommodblackbeltpandahow to build a dining room in minecrafteasy modern dining roomhouseminecraft dining roombuildingno swearingilolinyourfaceblack belt pandahow-tomodernminecraft dining room tutorialmodern dining roomtutorialmakemodern dining room minecrafttheblackbeltpandaminecraft modern dining roomstarterminceraft how to1.12easy houseeasyroombbpbuildthe black belt pandaeasy dining room tutorial

Description: In this tutorial video, I show you how to build a Modern Dining Room. It features some nice dining chairs and CAKE! Modern House Tutorial Playlist: youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5jS1D2c247gmWEmJNvAs3kWF-eObuzaq For this tutorial, you will need: 1 White Carpet 2 White Banners 2 Heavy Weighted Pressure Plates 2 Quartz Stairs 3 End Rods 3 Flower Pots 5 Dark Oak Slabs 6 Dark Oak Doors 6 Leaf Blocks 9 Quartz Slabs 10 Dark Oak Stairs 12 Light Gray Concrete 16 Black Banners 48 Black Stained Glass Panes 78 Birch Wood 108 Gray Concrete 212 White Concrete This tutorial is the third in a series of room tutorials. In the end, building these tutorials will result in a large, completed modern house. This tutorial was built on the PandaCraft Plots server. Feel free to visit the server and take a look at different player's builds, or build something yourself within your own creative plot, at plots.pandacraft.org. You can see this build for yourself by running the command "/modern" while in the Plots server. ☯PandaCraft Website: PandaCraft.org ☯PandaCraft Server IP: Play.PandaCraft.Org ☯Shaders: Sildur's Vibrant Shaders - minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/1291396-1-6-4-1-12-1-sildurs-shaders-pc-mac-intel ☯Royalty Free Music by audiomicro.com/royalty-free-music ☯Replay Mod: replaymod.com #TheBlackBeltPanda #MinecraftTutorial #ModernHouse 🐼 ☲☲☲☲☲☲☲☲☲☲☲☲☲☲☲☲☲☲ ☀Want to play on my server? Check out pandacraft.org for server info! ☀Need an awesome server host? Head over to anvilnode.com for great deals! Use coupon code, "Panda15" for 15% off your first month! ☀My Twitter: twitter.com/#!/_BlackBeltPanda ☀My Facebook: facebook.com/theblackbeltpanda ☀Minecraft ®/TM & © 2009-2017 Mojang / Notch ☀Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: epidemicsound.com

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