Channel: Aaron Longstaff
Category: Gaming
Tags: nordic house arkark buildsark longstaff arkwooden house arkark buildaaron longstaffark building designsark survival evolvedark house designsark buildingsmall housestarter base arkark base designbest arkhow to build in arkark tutorialsark base buildingark crystal islesark housecrystal islesark building tutorialbeach house arklarge house arkark xboxbuilding a base in arkepic ark buildmodern house ark
Description: This video is a detailed tutorial for a large house it has 3 floors with good size rooms, a balcony and an outside Pen for your dinos. The interior & Decoration of this build was created by FirePumpkin Thank you! ✦ Join this channel to get access to perks ✦ ✦ ✦ Use code AARON for 10% off! ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Build Information 🌍 Map - Valguero 📌 coordinates - 67.7LAT 61.3 LON 💪🏻 Difficulty Lvl - ★★★★☆ 🛠 Materials 50 - STONE FOUNDATIONS 06 - STONE TRIANGLE FOUNDATIONS 07 - STONE STAIRS 01 - STONE DOUBLE DOORFRAME 03 - STONE DINOSAUR GATEWAY 25 - STONE PILLARS 78 - STONE WALLS 84 - STONE CEILINGS 12 - STONE TRIANGLE CEILINGS 136 - STONE RAILINGS 36 - SLOPED STONE ROOFS 02 - STONE FIREPLACES 174 - WOODEN WALLS 15 - WOODEN DOUBLE DOORFRAMES 38 - WOODEN FENCE FOUNDATIONS 53 - WOODEN PILLARS 29 - WOODEN DOORFRAMES 14 - WOODEN CEILINGS 62 - WOODEN FENCE SUPPORTS 177 - WOODEN RAILINGS 02 - WOODEN DOUBLE DOORS 10 - SLOPED WOODEN WALL LEFT 11 - SLOPED WOODEN WALL RIGHT 04 - WOODEN WINDOW FRAME 03 - WOODEN LADDERS 36 - THATCH WALLS 05 - THATCH CEILINGS 29 - GREENHOUSE WALLS 01 - GREENHOUSE DOUBLE DOORFRAME 01 - GREENHOUSE DOUBLE DOOR 03 - REINFORCED DOUBLE DOORS 01 - REINFORCED WOODEN DOOR 03 - REINFORCED DINOSAUR GATE ___________________________________________________________________________ 🎮🕹 Controls Flip Wall XBOX (Y Button) PS4 (Triangle Button) PC (E Key) Snap Point Cycle XBOX (RB) PS4 (R1) PC (Q or Z Key) Painting PC - Hold alt-fire (default: Right Mousebutton) and use the number keys (1-6) to select which colour regions you wish to paint Xbox - LT+ Up, Down, Left or Right on DPad (for region 1-4) and Xbox: LT+LB+ X or Y (for region 5 and 6) PS4 - L2 + Up, Down, Left or Right on DPad (for region 1-4) and L2 + L1+ Square or X (for region 5 and 6) _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ♫Music Credit♫ All music used in this video by Stream Beats ☆ OUTRO - Echo3zDown - Like Nothing Felt Before - • Echo3zDown _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 📢 Social Media Follow Me On Instagram: Follow Me On Twitter: Support Me On Patreon: Join my Discord _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 🤝 Partners: ▶︎ Advanced gg - ▶︎ Nitrado - Get your own Nitrado server Here ▶︎ Nitro Concepts - Buy a chair in the UK - Buy In Europe - Caseking