Channel: Future Neighbor
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: korean food recipes in englishbraised pork belly recipebuta kakunikorean cookingbraised pork belly rice bowlbuta no kakunibraised pork belly rice platekorean recipeskorean food recipesfuture neighborkorean foodbraised pork bellykorean food recipes easy
Description: ►View written recipe 📝: ►Buy Korean Food from Gochujar 📦: ►Support our channel with $5/month 😘: ►Or Buy Us a Coffee ☕️ : Neighbors - today, we're making Braised Pork over Rice. We'll sear a whole piece of pork belly (통삼겹살), then braise it a flavored soy sauce. In Japan, its called buta kakuni - but we take our spin on it! Throw in some garlic cloves, soft-boiled eggs and bok-choy into the soy sauce mixture. Simmer it away. Then lay the soft, tender pork pieces over some rice - and you got yourself a gourmet rice plate. Ah, you're in for a treat today! Connect with us outside the kitchen Facebook: Instagram: Podcast: