Channel: The Attraction Switch
Category: Entertainment
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Description: 9 Secrets to Robert Downey Jr.'s Million-dollar Charisma ► Learn the secret behind Robert Downey Jr's charm and charisma so that you as well can attract gorgeous women and get what you want even more easily. ↓↓↓ READ MORE ↓↓↓ The difference between Robert Downey Jr. and many actors is charisma. All of them are charming and charismatic on stage, but in day-to-day life, most actors are living off of the charisma they showed on screen. Robert Downey Jr. doesn’t do that. He is charismatic BOTH on the screen and in real life. We’re gonna watch an interview of HIM with Chris Evans as they talk about the Avengers movie that just came out. This videos is mostly for guys who want to learn how to be more confident around women, how to do and say what they want and how to be more charismatic around women. Hopefully, after watching this video you will understand how Robert Downey Jr. literally exploits charisma on command. He is charming, he is playful... and everyone in the room loves him much more than Chris Evans. Free Charm Training ► Subscribe to The Attraction Switch YouTube Channel ►