Channel: Jordan Peterson Fan Channel
Category: Education
Tags: friendshipadvicemental healthsocialisinghow to socialisejordan peterson clipspsychoanalysishow to start a conversationrelationshipsjordan petersonpsychologybegin a conversationpetersonjordan peterson advicehow to make friendslecturehow to talk to peopledr. jordan petersonprofessor petersonhow to be a good listenertherapyjordan peterson lecturebest of jordan petersonrelationship advicejordan b petersoncarl rogersjordan b. peterson
Description: Psychology professor Jordan B. Peterson explains how you can really listen to people in a conversation and why you should make the effort. This clip contains two excerpts of Jordan Peterson’s lecture “2017 Personality 10: Humanism & Phenomenology: Carl Rogers” held at the University of Toronto. You can watch it entirely here: You may also be interested to know that Jordan B. Peterson's book “12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos” is finally available. You can find it here: (US) (UK) (CA) Don't miss out on his best selling first book “Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief” which much of his lecture material is based on: (US) (UK) (CA) The above are Amazon affiliate links. Please visit for categorized clips and more Jordan B. Peterson related content!