Channel: British Council | LearnEnglish Kids
Category: Education
Tags: baby songskids songslearnenglish kidsbritish council englishlearning englishlearn english kidschildren songsbritish councilnursery rhymes songslearn englishnursery rhymesnursery rhymes playlistkids
Description: Watch How much is that doggie in the window? and sing along to the song with the words on the screen. There are more fun activities, worksheets and lyrics to download for How much is that doggie in the window? here: Visit LearnEnglish Kids for lots more free online English learning resources including kids songs, nursery rhymes, fun games and short stories. Kids can have fun and learn English too! Don't forget to check our Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs playlist on our YouTube channel How much is that doggie in the window? lyrics How much is that doggie in the window? The one with the waggley tail How much is that doggie in the window? I do hope that doggie's for sale. I don't want a bunny or a kitty I don't want a parrot that talks I don't want a bowl of little fishes I can't take a fish for a walk. How much is that doggie in the window? The one with the waggley tail How much is that doggie in the window? I do hope that doggie's for sale. I've saved up all of my pocket money I want to give him a good home I'll wash, feed, walk, give him all that he needs Can't wait to feed him a big bone. How much is that doggie in the window? The one with the waggley tail How much is that doggie in the window? I do hope that doggie's for sale We hope you enjoyed watching How much is that doggie in the window? and we will see you soon on LearnEnglish Kids!