Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: car speakershow to make stereo loudhow to pick out a car audio systemhow do i upgrade my speakershow to car audiohow to upgrade audiohow to pick speakersupgrading subwoofer systemcar audio upgradecar audio systemsrms vs peak
Description: Everyone has to get started at some point when it comes to car audio, but how far can you get with your factory equipment. Understadning that you may not be at a point where you can start out with super high powered amps and subs, how do you know you are getting the most out of the equipment you do have? In thid video, Jp gives us the rundown on factory systems and how you can get the most out of your system. Be sure to check out the latest deals and news in car audio at, the number 1 source for car audio.