Channel: califaces
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: how did kobe bryant and vanessa meetvanessa bryantkobe bryant and wife vanessa documentarykobe bryant marriagehow did kobe meet his wifekobe and vanessa bryant momentskobe and vanessa marriagekobe bryanthow did kobe meet vanessakobe and vanessa bryanthow did kobe and vanessa get startedkobekobe bryant wifekobe and vanessa bryant familyhow did kobe bryant meet his wifekobe and vanessa weddingkobe and vanessakobe and vanessa bryant meeting
Description: Kobe and Vanessa Bryant were married for over 18 years, first meeting before either of them was 21 years old. Throughout those years the two managed to stay together through the ups and downs of marriage, bringing four children into the world and displaying a true love for each other that everyone could see. Here's how their love story began. Created by: Instagram: Get More CaliFaces: Website: FB Connect: Facebook: Cali Faces: California videos, interviews, and mini documentaries.